Tag: wordsmith

Reliving History at Barrackpore

Reliving History at Barrackpore

Reliving History at Barrackpore~
About 30 kilometres away from Kolkata lies Barrackpore.
Very much a part of our everyday lives., just another suburban town it seems
But Barrackpore breathes history.

A Beauty called Coochbehar

A Beauty called Coochbehar

A Beauty called Coochbehar~
Of ancient cities and timeless traditions
Of gentle weaves and mellow sunsets
Of wired fences cutting through common grounds
Of sweetmeats and sweeter people
And paddy fields that embrace two nations..

The Romance of a bygone era sweeps through
A forgotten trail
Of living past
Glimpses into a soul in slumber
Dreamlike beauty
So real…

Theme: Overlay by Kaira