Tag: heritage

Sankranti Sweetness

Sankranti Sweetness

Sankranti Sweetness~ One of the main festivals celebrated in Bengal, Makar Sankranti is more popularly called Poush Sankranti or Poush Parbon in this state.

Reliving History at Barrackpore

Reliving History at Barrackpore

Reliving History at Barrackpore~
About 30 kilometres away from Kolkata lies Barrackpore.
Very much a part of our everyday lives., just another suburban town it seems
But Barrackpore breathes history.



Rooted~Sometimes, especially in the mellow light of Autumn, when the sky is a happy azure, and clouds look like white candy floss, I get a smell. A familiar whiff, most unexpectedly, in the middle of my chores.
The smell of a dark room ensconced between the staircase to the first floor and the other room that leads to the dining room.

Partition Stories

Partition Stories

Partition Stories,
Truth is even as we celebrate India’s independence and embark on the celebration of Heritage week, there are millions who still reel under painful aftereffects of severance.
What does one do in these circumstances but cope,…yet the memories remain, and haunt…

Of Indigo weaves, Wet Earth and Krishna Consciousness

Of Indigo weaves, Wet Earth and Krishna Consciousness

And this time our destination was the district of Nadia.
Nadia of historic roots,
Beyond colonial creations.
Nadia , the land of Bhabananda Mazumdar and Maharaja Krishnachandra.
Nadia is further noted as a pilgrimage site for the Bhakri movement founded by Shri Chaitanya , that swept through Bengal and beyond in the 15th century uniting cast and creed in a unified Krishna Consciousness.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira