Category: Point of View

Kolkata Cocktail~ Looking Back on the Journey

Kolkata Cocktail~ Looking Back on the Journey

Kolkata Cocktail~ Looking Back on the Journey~ For the last two years, Kolkata Cocktail has gripped us.
We seem to be in its loving embrace..
As if uncannily and unknowingly this poetry film has become a character in our lives.
A character, we built from scratch.



Rooted~Sometimes, especially in the mellow light of Autumn, when the sky is a happy azure, and clouds look like white candy floss, I get a smell. A familiar whiff, most unexpectedly, in the middle of my chores.
The smell of a dark room ensconced between the staircase to the first floor and the other room that leads to the dining room.

The Homecoming~                                                       Durga Puja Season, The great Bengal Autumn Festival.

The Homecoming~ Durga Puja Season, The great Bengal Autumn Festival.

The Homecoming~ The great Bengal Autumn Festival
Yes, it is the worship of the Mother Goddess, an incarnation of Shakti…
And She comes home.
To her parents house really.
Along with her children
To be pampered and loved.

Propaganda and Privacy

Propaganda and Privacy

Propoganda and Privacy ~
With evolution of technology and methodology lines keep getting blurred.It is easy for the common man caught up in daily chores to be caught unaware. To be caught in a propaganda exercise far beyond his understanding, and far beyond his ability to counter check.

For the Teeming Million Indians

For the Teeming Million Indians

For the teeming million Indians~
More than 70 years post independence and we still haven’t managed to establish a system of dignity of labour.. . Sad! The picture of millions of our countrymen who once had to leave homes to earn their daily bread, now having to head back to their villages, in the absence of their daily jobs and wages, uncertainty looming large,. This will remain a horrific memory of these Lock down times.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira