Tag: kolkata

Kolkata Cocktail~ Looking Back on the Journey

Kolkata Cocktail~ Looking Back on the Journey

Kolkata Cocktail~ Looking Back on the Journey~ For the last two years, Kolkata Cocktail has gripped us.
We seem to be in its loving embrace..
As if uncannily and unknowingly this poetry film has become a character in our lives.
A character, we built from scratch.

The Perfect Biriyani~ Manzilat`s

The Perfect Biriyani~ Manzilat`s

The Perfect Biriyani~ Manzilat`s~
Born and brought in Kolkata, one knows that Biriyani is celebration.
And although there are many, many variants of this delightful one pot meal, a true blue Kolkatan will always put the Kolkata Awadhi Metiaburz Biriyani absolutely on the top.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira