Beauty~I am suspended
Between tears and laughter
My tears frozen
The sky caught fire
Yellow orange flames spread high
My sunset love burns.
Molten gold spread out
Rim your eyes brimming over
Dark clouds hiding tears
Red hue in heaven
My red vermillion drop
The touch of your love
It blooms, into love
Sunshine blossom holding sway
Sunrise to sunset
Photograph ~ Ipsita Ganguli
Unanswered~ My questions lay scattered
The Festival of Lights~Burn Burn Burn
Into incandescence
Into Passion
That fires love
And light
A Romance Called Rajasthan~Udaipur, transports you to a feeling of being a part of history afloat on the lakes .
Vibrant yet soft
Beautiful yet strong
This city wears a dream like look.
But even as dreamy as it appears this City is mighty.
Rooted~Sometimes, especially in the mellow light of Autumn, when the sky is a happy azure, and clouds look like white candy floss, I get a smell. A familiar whiff, most unexpectedly, in the middle of my chores.
The smell of a dark room ensconced between the staircase to the first floor and the other room that leads to the dining room.
Sindoor Khela~ Vermillion streak of love
Pushpanjali~ At your feet…
Kaashphool~Your feather touch…
Memories~ Dada-Didi~ I find you both
Within me…
Here and there
Now and then
In song and music,
In singara and sandesh
In perspectives and outlooks
In life, far far beyond brick and mortar remains..
In the effervescence of living life…