I often wonder
How time changes…
Actually it flies
On wings unknown
And slips like sand grains
From the fist…

Where were we then when it was flying, slipping…
And change is the only thing real
How it must have been for my grandfather
When he was 14
And listening to Gandhi and Bose on radio
And how it must have been at 22
And witness the nation being born
And in the process, he losing so much…

Yet holding on to
For the Nation was born
And handing over to us
A spirit to uphold
And this Nation travels in time
Travels in ideology
Time flies on the wings of the unknown
And sand grain slips from the fist..

We the people
We the Nation
Juxta positioned
At the crossroad of time…
Dedicated to my Grandfather MK Sourish Chandra Roy
Time flies on the wings of poesy
Nothing goes the way we dream
As all over scattered thorns make us scream
Our dreams of fre nation shattered n nothing
seems rosy
Change is the only constant…