The name Blue Poppy rings loud and fond with all college going individuals and all working people. who have stopped by here for its delicious succulent momos and salivated over them.
It was much much later in life that I met the incredible power woman Doma Wang , the founder , proprietor and soul of Blue Poppy. Starting off single handedly with home delivery of momos , this wonder lady from Kalimpong has creatively cooked her way into the heart of Calcutta food lovers and is now operating multiple restaurants
So when Doma started her Lockdown Takeaway Menu, I couldn’t wait to dig in.
And while the perfectly done momos never fails to impress, the Lockdown Menu had many other delicious delights. waiting to be savoured

The perfectly done prawn balls for instance
Tender and crispy , it was an.absolute treat .
It had the perfect balance.
Very often prawn balls tend to be soggy or dry.
Not these. These prawn balls were a treat to the senses.
And then there was the pineapple fried rice.
The softness of rice with the tangy sweetness of pineapple, an unusual mix but a tantalizing one. This was good enough to eat just by itself without any action accompaniment.
But the accompaniment we had chosen had another story to tell. We had teamed up the Pinapple Fried Rice with Honey chicken and the balanced sweetness of this side dish left us licking our fingers.

Additionally the Chicken Shapta was a lovely stir fried chicken with capsicum tomatoes and other vegetables etc.
Which went very well with the Pan Fried noodles which has a lovely gravy base.

All in all, it was a delightful meal.
A sensory delight in every way.
Oriental.delights with a local twist
Just like the creator of Blue Poppy who is the perfect balance of grit and hard work, cooking up wonderful exotica!
Am so happy to read this. Thank you so much . Means a lot ♥️🙏
Thank you so much Doma.
It is a pleasure to experience your wonderful culinary creations and to write about it