For the Teeming Million Indians

So they walked
Hundreds and thousands of miles
In the heat and the dust
Under the scorching sun
In the rain
They walked…

From Telengana to Uttar Pradesh
From Maharashtra to Bihar
They walked
Thirsty and hungry
They walked
The teeming million Indians

They Walked
Till , exhausted and dehydrated
They dropped dead,
Like inconsequential flies ,
Meeting gruesome death
Run over in road
Or on Rail tracks
Where they had sought
Safety and shelter.

But they Walked on
Children in their arms
Even when they were stopped
Or questioned
Even when Checkposts
Loomed large
And threatening

They Walked Home
Across the length and breadth
Of a Country
That had forgotten them
Like they didn’t even exist

The daily labourer
The migrant millions
Who build your homes
Who work on the streets
Like flies

Too inconsequential
To have been cared for
When the Country
Put the shutters down
One fine day
Whoever thought
That these millions
Needed the dignity
Of being given notice…

The dignity
Of assistance
Of those who build
My Nation..
The daily wage earner
The cottage Industry
The small scale
These teeming millions
Who namelessly, facelessly
Hold the nation together
Are indeed
The truest building blocks
Of India..

More than 70 years post independence and we still haven’t managed to establish a system of dignity of labour.. . Sad! The picture of millions of our countrymen who once had to leave homes to earn their daily bread, now having to head back to their villages, in the absence of their daily jobs and wages, uncertainty looming large,. This will remain a horrific memory of these Lock down times.

Men, women , children left to their fate , and very often forced by the Police to walk back to where they had started from. The Police are under orders to restrict movement, but the question is,…  Are we not aware that the teeming millions in India are those that live by the day. With enterprise being shut, the daily wage earner will lose their wage Where will the entrepreneur pay them if his payments are stopped? Lest we forget that most of Indian employment creators are also micro and small scale and dependent of their business rolling to be able to keep going. 
The Pandemic hit India late January. By February it had spread across states By March things were getting out of control. Lock down was declared on 24th March. Did we not have enough time to plan quarantine centers in advance? Does it really take that long? With so many public buildings and a system of Gram Panchayats and local social service clubs dotting India, quarantine centres with food and rations and a bit of counseling was certainly the need of the hour. Also perhaps some assurances that their families back home would be given a basic amount of sustenance money till things got back to somewhat normal.
If not, then trains should have been organized to ferry them.back to their villages before the lock down was declared. With medical watch systems at both the boarding and destination stations. Had this been done, by now, the virus would have played itself out already. Instead today, we have people going helter skelter in search of basic sustenance.

Isnt it time we paid more and better attention to the ground realities of our country? To the dignity of the building blocks of our Nation? For how they are nurtured , cared for, educated and groomed impacts the health, hygiene and character of the Nation.


15 thoughts on “For the Teeming Million Indians

  1. Very well written..very empathetic.. It’s sadly the fact that as a country we have grown only very superficially…our basis of corruption, our twisted mindset is still intact from the days of the rajas in diverse/dispersed India. What use is our handful of educated people, our handful of rischest people, our handful of literateurs, missionaries, visionaries, when we are still stuck in racial thoughts, discrimination of every kind is prevalent here. selfish thoughts, scheming and plotting twisted minds exist here.

  2. “They Walked Home
    Across the length and breadth
    Of a Country
    That had forgotten them
    Like they didn’t even exist”

    Thank you for highlighting their plight with the most powerful tool – words. We have all let them down, failed them as a country.

  3. Yes..we should hang our heads in shame..this misery which is bestowed on them..where is the basic humanity.. and we call ourselves the educated class..heart bleeds..this untold misery should never be forgotten and still nothing is being done….😪

  4. Powerful and intense., Ipsita. How convineiently they’re forgotton?. All along the way, schools could have been turned into night shelters with food, water and medical assistance. Buses and trains too could have been pressed into service. We airlifted those stranded in foreign countries but forgot our very own sons of the soil.

  5. Beautifully written. Brilliantly worded and expressed.. Very thought provoking article !
    Unless we see them as human beings- living feeling suffering human beings – instead of seeing them as resources for the industry. then we have to be ready to face the consequence..
    A nation and an economy can be built and re-built by the blood, toil and sweat of its people. But not by their tears. And if we don’t realise that, not even God can save us..
    Despite everything that the government claims to be doing for the migrant workers, they are still forced to walk thousands of kilometres to reach their homes, amid lockdown.Helpless and desperate to reach homes, these migrant workers are risking their lives, every day. Children, women and men with heavy sacks walking barefoot and trying to reach their homes that are hundreds of kilometres away .
    Yes, there will be mistakes during a pandemic.. Every administration is stretched to its limits.. But it is more than a co-incidence that all decisions and all plans around the so-called migrant labour population of the country is random and ill-thought out? Where there is no money to pull strings, there will be no attention..
    The steps taken, the timing, the actions and the implementation clearly demonstrate the lack of awareness of the Union and the States of the magnitude of the migrant force across the length and breadth of the country, and of the significance and impact of their work in the economic activities in the country..
    A matter of shame for all of us….

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